Stronger Wellness partners with local authorities to launch health hubs to support community healthcare

Stronger Wellness, the curator of products, gym flooring and the latest designs for fitness and wellness spaces, is partnering with local authority locations to launch health hubs to support local community healthcare, and help authorities to meet the individual health and activity needs of their local residents.
As local authorities monitor health metrics more closely, and with an observable rise in chronic conditions among their communities, they are adapting underutilised spaces across neighbourhoods (from squash courts to community rooms and libraries) to provide increased access to individuals who can benefit from hands-on fitness and exercise guidance, as an integral aspect of both their health and wellbeing and the management of an ongoing condition. The people benefitting from this expansion of services are very often individuals who would not ordinarily choose to exercise at a gym or local leisure centre.
The space and equipment choices are carefully considered to make best use of space and budget. Equipment selection is adapted to meet the specific training needs and exercise environment of each immediate local population that the local authority is seeking to better support — such as residents dealing with Depression, Neurodiversity or Hypertension and other prevalent conditions.
Understanding the training needs and exercise constraints of residents dealing with specific conditions is a crucial part of the design process. As such, Stronger Wellness has partnered with health content and education company, CAWS, who have well-established knowledge and expertise in this exact area. CAWS is best known for delivering localised COVID rehabilitation and late-stage Cancer rehabilitation programs to communities across the world. CAWS will support Stronger Wellness to make meaningful equipment choices to create a practical and engaging space at the heart of each community project, which will then serve the needs of the priority conditions housed in each neighbourhood. In addition to this, on behalf of Stronger Wellness, CAWS will deliver the unique training and education that addresses the needs of each local authority workforce to support each distinctive group of residents, and likewise the programming to help mobilise the new service at a local level.
Elena Lapetra, joint-founder of Stronger Wellness, explained:
“Our 'Health Hubs' concept emerged from numerous discussions about how gym spaces can welcome local communities not currently engaged in fitness and exercise. We aim to create environments where not only regular gym-goers train, but also underserved populations can access resources. Our focus is on the actual needs of these communities, simplifying the process instead of complicating it. By incorporating smarter technology for effective follow-up, we provide local authorities with better tools to communicate with public health departments, expand their outreach, and engage more meaningfully with residents.”
Projects are already underway across parts of the UK with select local authorities, and Stronger Wellness are looking to explore more opportunities to add value to organisations who want to adapt how they deliver their health-oriented fitness services across the communities they serve.
For details, or to learn how Stronger may be able to help you to switch on new exercise and activity-related health services in your area, authorities can contact